Battle Squadron 2, developed by bitwise brains for the AmiGameJam 2024, is a captivating sequel that brings fresh life to the beloved original.
Category: Amiga Videogames
Amiga Yoomp
Amiga Yoomp! is a fast-paced arcade game that successfully brings the classic gameplay of its Commodore 64 and Atari predecessors to the 16-bit Amiga platform.
Amiga’s Castlevania AGA
The reimagined port of the classic 1986 Castlevania for the Amiga, developed by Dante Retro Dev, is a nostalgic yet fresh take on the beloved franchise.
The Belgian Amiga Club’s Coin-Operated Arcade Machine Project
The Belgian Amiga Club’s innovative project to create a coin-operated arcade machine utilizing Amiga technology is a remarkable tribute to the nostalgic gaming experiences of the past.
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