Last updated on October 19th, 2022 at 06:07 pm
Anonymous FTP In MIL
Total file number: 70
Total file size: 5.29 MB
System: UNIX Type: L8
Welcome message:
This is a United States Department of Defense
computer system.
This computer system and all related equipment,
networks and network devices
(including Internet access) are provided
only for authorized U.S. government use.
Unauthorized use may subject you
to criminal prosecution.
DoD computer systems may be monitored
for all lawful purposes,
including :
to ensure that their use is authorized,
for management of the system,
to facilitate protection against unauthorized access,
and to verify security procedures, survivability
and operational security.
Monitoring includes active attacks
by authorized DoD entities to test
or verify the security of this system.
During monitoring, information
may be examined, recorded, copied
and used for authorized purposes.
All information, including personal information,
placed on or sent over
this system may be monitored.
Evidence of unauthorized use collected
by monitoring may be used for administrative,
criminal or adverse action.
Use of this DoD computer system,
whether authorized or unauthorized,
constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes. FTP server ready
Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
Total file number: 92
Total file size: 99.48 MB
System: UNIX Type: L8
Directories in /pub/: chas/, dcoyle/, ekinzie/,
kenh/, kerberos5/, vince/
Welcome message:
This is a U.S. Government System.
Unauthorized use of this system
is a violation of Title 18, Section 1030 of the U.S. Code.
U.S. Government telecommunications systems
and automated information systems are subject
to periodic security testing
and monitoring to ensure that
proper communications security
(COMSEC) procedures are being observed.
Use of these systems is
consent to monitoring.
If your FTP client is confused by these messages, try
using a dash (-) as the first character of your password.
** If you experience any ftp problems
and are using a web browser,
try ** using a real ftp client
before reporting your problem.
If you have any unusual problems,
please report them via e-mail to
This server is for anonymous ftp only.
There are no user accounts.
>> TYPE anonymous FOR USERNAME! <<<
Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Total file number: 613
Total file size: 95.73 MB
System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS
Directories in /pub/: .dt/, .hotjava/, DRT/,
KIRK/, NIMA_HS/, NITFS/, Ruth/, csat/,
extranet/, gic/, gig/, gns_data/, idp/, jon/, nightlight/,
pacsdigo/, vacwg_nima/, vpn/
Welcome message:
emissary FTP server
This DoD Computer System to be used
only for official U.S.
Government business.
Use of this or any other DCS constitutes
your consent to being
monitored at any time.
Unauthorized use of this system
may subject the user to
criminal prosecution) ready.
Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Total file number: 280
Total file size: 32.75 MB
System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-198911
Directories in /pub/: outgoing/
Welcome message: FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(3)
Tue Jan 8 11:17:35 MST 2002)
Welcome to the U.S. Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station
anonymous FTP server
Please make only a single ftp connection at a time
and please download only a single file at a time.
Owing to limited bandwidth at this end and
at your end, multiple simultaneous transfers
will not save you time!
We can allow only a limited number
of ftp connections at one time,
so your multiple connections will deny other users.
Please be courteous.
Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Total file number: 213,141
Total file size: 188.22 GB
System: UNIX Type: L8
Directories in /pub/: MRHA/, Shensa/, aburto/,
elmr/, gag/, kevork/, mac/, misc/, robotics/, tpkelly/
Mirror directories: gnu/, linux/
Welcome message:
This is a Department of Defense computer system.
This computer system,
including all related equipment,
networks and network devices
(specifically including Internet access),
are provided only for authorized
U.S. Government use.
DOD computer systems may be monitored
for all lawful purposes,
including to ensure that their use is authorized,
for management of the system, to facilitate protection
against unauthorized access,
and to verify security procedures,
survivability and operational security.
Monitoring includes active attacks
by authorized DOD entities to test
or verify the security of this system.
During monitoring,
information may be examined, recorded, copied
and used for authorized purposes.
All information, including personal information,
placed on or sent over this
system may be monitored.
Use of this DOD computer system,
authorized or unauthorized,
constitutes consent to monitoring of this system.
Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal prosecution.
Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring
may be used for
administrative, criminal or adverse action.
Use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring
for these purposes.
Login successful. Have fun.
Total file number: 1,316
Total file size: 102.10 MB
System: UNIX Type: L8
Directories in /pub/: ces/, dfcs/, dff/, dfp/, fm/, scb/
Welcome message:
ironsides NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready.
Welcome to USAFAnet
United States Air Force Academy
This is an official
Department of Defense (DoD) computer system
for authorized use only.
All data contained on DoD computer systems is
owned by DoD and may be
monitored, intercepted, recorded, read, copied,
or captured in any manner and disclosed in any manner
by authorized personnel.
Authorized personnel may give
any potential evidence of crime found on
DoD computer systems to law enforcement officials.
Do not discuss,
enter, transfer, process, or transmit classified/sensitive
national security information of greater sensitivity than
this system is authorized.
USAFAnet is not accredited to process classified information.
Unauthorized use could result in criminal prosecution.
If you do not consent to these conditions, do not log in!
You are user #1 of 50 simultaneous users allowed.
Logged in anonymously.