Darkland2 by Psytronik Software is out for free !
In this game, a cosmic cloud has covered the land in permanent darkness, and monsters from beyond lurk in the shadows, spawning their evil offspring. The player must fight them with light and fire, find a sanctuary, and survive this unholy night. The controls guide the player character and a flashlight that illuminates the ground ahead. To use the gun, press fire.
Gunfire will only strike an illuminated spot or at close point-blank range near the player character. If the monsters or their firepower hit the player character, a life is lost. A bonus life is awarded for every 10,000 points. The player controls the character with a joystick in port 2.
Here are some hints and tips to help the player succeed:
– Listen to the background noises that indicate a monster is nearby.
– If you get stuck behind a tree, move down and sideways to get away from it.
– Be aware of small movements in the terrain.
– All monsters can be shot, but it takes more hits to kill large monsters.
– You can shoot monsters at close point-blank range, but it is very difficult.
– Do not panic! Rushing blindly ahead will get you killed fast.CONTROLS:
You control the player with joystick in port 2.