In the mid-1980s, Sega, a renowned Japanese video game developer and publisher, ventured into the realm of artificial intelligence with the release of the Sega AI Computer. This system, one of Sega’s rarest and least known, was a full-featured computer with an educational twist, promising to bring users into the world of artificial intelligence.
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Category: Machine Collection
Rabbit R1 : A Leap into the Future of AI-Powered Assistance
The Rabbit R1 is a groundbreaking AI-powered device that has captured the attention of tech enthusiasts and industry experts alike. Priced at $199 and set to be released in Eastern 2024, this pocket-sized gadget is not just another virtual assistant. It’s a sophisticated piece of hardware that reimagines the role of AI in our daily lives.
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Datel MKIII for Amiga – MK VI for C64 : Action Replay Cartridges
Action Replay is the brand name of a series of devices created by Datel Electronics , primarily used for changing the behavior of video games, but also for other kind of services .
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The Black Onyx
The Black Onyx (ザ・ブラックオニキス Za Burakku Onikisu) is a NEC PC-8801 Videogame released in 1984 as japanese role-playing by Bullet-Proof Software, one of the first successful Japanese-language RPGs that helped familiarize the Japanese public with RPGs.