Last updated on September 10th, 2023 at 06:26 am
Mad Max was released for the Commodore 64 in the 1980s, and after 10 years for Nintendo…
Briefly, Details On The C64 Version
- The Mad Max game for C64 was developed by CRL and involved driving a tanker of fuel while being attacked by motorbikes and buggies.
- The Mad Max game for C64 was one of many games inspired by the Mad Max movies.
- Overlander, a Commodore 64 game, was inspired by Mad Max II and allowed players to control the black interceptor.
- A review of the more recent Mad Max game, released in 2015, describes it as a gem of a game but a patient completionist’s worst nightmare.
- Another review of the Mad Max game describes it as having a score of 6.5 out of 10 and consisting of taking the role of Mad Max after his ride has been stolen and recruiting a crazy mechanic that will help.
- A video critique of the Mad Max game praises its open world and describes it as “amazing”.
NES Console Version
Mad Max for NES was released in July 1990 in North America by Mindscape. The game was developed by Eastridge Technology and Gray Matter.
It is based on the Mad Max film and is an action game with overhead vehicular combat. The game was released for the NES console and is a single-player game.
- The gameplay of Mad Max for NES is considered terrible and the controls are atrocious
- The game is based on an awesome idea, but it does not deliver on its potential
- The game is tedious and frustrating, with a boss fight that requires more crossbows than the game provides
- The graphics and sound of Mad Max for NES are considered mediocre
- A video review of Mad Max for NES describes it as a game that could have been great, but is ultimately disappointing due to its poor gameplay and controls
- The game is not subtle in its inspiration from the Mad Max movies
Mad Max for NES is a game that had potential, but ultimately fails to deliver due to its poor gameplay, controls, and tedious boss fight.
The graphics and sound are considered mediocre, and the game is not subtle in its inspiration from the Mad Max movies.
The main goal of each level is to enter the arena and battle the enemy gangs.
The player must gather enough food and water to trade at the service station for an Arena Pass.
Once the pass is obtained, the player must find the Arena, which appears as a large cave. Once inside the arena, the player must be the last vehicle to survive the demolition derby inside.
Enemy vehicles drive around the arena and attempt to push the player, as well as each other, off of the road into the abyss below.
In addition, several areas of the floor open up at random, leaving vehicles to fall into the pitfall. Once all enemy vehicles are destroyed, the player advances to the next Road War level of the game.