Last updated on April 12th, 2024 at 09:53 am
PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux,started by the same team that brought you PCSX (a Sony PlayStation 1 emulator).
The PCSX2 project attempts to allow PS2 code to be executed on your computer,thus meaning you can put a PS2 DVD or CD into your computers drive, and boot it up!
The project has been running for a little over four years now, and since it’s initial release has grown in compatibility. From initially just being able to run a few public domain demos, it’s current state enables many games to boot and actually go in game, such as the ‘famous’ Final Fantasy X or Devil May Cry 3.
PSX The Cue Maker
PlayStation games are often distributed as a zip-file containing one or more bin files, which represent the tracks on the game CD-ROM. The first track is typically data, while subsequent tracks are audio for PlayStation 1 games. However, emulators and virtual drive managers often require a cue sheet, a special text file that acts as a tracklist, to load multiple tracks automatically.
Unfortunately, distributors of ROMs often fail to generate or include a valid cue sheet, which can result in missing background music and a disappointing experience for players. While it is possible to create a suitable cue-file manually using a text editor, it is a time-consuming and error-prone process.
To address this issue, I have created a script that automates the process of creating a cue-file for each of your PlayStation games. This webpage also provides a helpful assumption that the first track is data, while all subsequent tracks are audio, which seems to hold true for every PlayStation game I have tried so far.
Prior to creating this webpage, I tried three different tools that attempt to solve this issue, but none of them seem to support games with multiple bin files, which are the ones that won’t have music without a cue sheet. Therefore, my script provides a valuable solution for anyone looking to emulate PlayStation games with ease and accuracy.
To fix this go here.