Last updated on August 29th, 2023 at 04:07 pm
In this sidescrolling Defender-like game you fly your starbike around the lunar landscape and collect Orolas. That’s small green aliens to you and me, and they’re really good for making perfume and catfood. You have to collect them from each level and dump them into a teleporter to send them back to your ship. When all aliens are collected you carry the last one to your lunar module and take off for another level. The number of aliens you have to collect on every level varies and you can leave the planet without collecting all the aliens but you will not get a bonus if you do so, and your task will only be more difficult as you get more enemies on the next level.
The lunar surface contains some parabolic scanners that are sensitive to the alien lifeforms you’re looking for, so if you fly past the scanners they will tell you if an alien is close by. The aliens, not knowing what they’re in for, is quite friendly and will chirp at you if you get near them. All in all – they’re quite easy to find.
…however, the mission is not easy. Good luck.
Cursor keys + left CTRL to fire.
All keys are redefinable and joypad is also supported.
Unpack ZIP archive into folder and run the ‘Starbike.exe’ file. It has an icon like a spaceman. If you’re on Windows Vista or 7 you should not unpack to your desktop. Unpack to a folder like “C:\Games” or something like that – away from your Windows user folders, because the game needs write access to the folder to update the settings file.
Credits for this remake;
Programmed by Dr. Bacon, 2009
Graphics by Janus & Lobo
Music by Spacefractal
Credits for original game;
Programmed for the ZX Spectrum by Paul Curtis, 1984
Published for the ZX Spectrum by The Edge Software, 1984
Find the latest version at
or sync scores from game to see latest website if the one at goes boom.
Version history.
v1.0 – 31 october 2009
Starbike v1.0
Starbike is a Defender-like scrolling shoot ‘em up.
-remake for Windows by Dr. Bacon (
Download the game HERE (8.17MB).