Last updated on September 12th, 2023 at 08:08 am
Enter Sudden Strike. A European import, Sudden Strike is a World-War II real time strategy game that allows you to play as the Germans, the English/Americans, or the Russians in a variety of carefully detailed environments.
Like many of the other titles published by Strategy First, the game breaks with several of the standards of the genre – something which is sure to upset purists and grognards while still creating a fun, engrossing experience.
Yet Sudden Strike is still worth a look. Even if you are not a fan of the period or prefer more traditional RTS games, you will probably find that the challenges offered by the diverse campaigns will suck in more of your time than you expected. If you are a World War II buff, or someone who is looking for an RTS game that focuses exclusively on combat and tactics, then Sudden Strike is for you.