This is a deserved PC remake for the all time classic Ghost’n’Goblins !!!
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Tag: goblins
Defeated, Another Ghost N Goblins Clone for Amiga
A Ghost n Goblins style game by “Nobody” from EAB . He has spent much of his time developing the game “Defeated” for the Amiga.
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Eternum : A Ghost N Goblins Clone
Eternum is a sort of Ghosts’ n Goblins Clone series or you would think that’s a sequel.
80’s arcade cabinet style game brought up to 25 levels, final bosses and secret bonuses.
Ghosts ‘N Goblins Remakes
Ghosts ‘n Goblins (魔界村 Makaimura, “Demon World Village”) an immortal videogame from 80s.