Kobo is a space shooter game which can be considered as a “port” of Kobo Deluxe for the Commodore 64 platform.
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Retro 8-16Bit Remakes Cyberpunk and Beyond Base
Kobo is a space shooter game which can be considered as a “port” of Kobo Deluxe for the Commodore 64 platform.
Continue reading “Timeless C64-5 : Kobo, Cookie, Pirate Island, Monster Combat, Sword and Sorcery”
The Secret of Monkey Island is a classic graphic adventure game developed by Lucasfilm Games (now known as LucasArts) and released in 1990. In 2009, LucasArts released a remake with updated audiovisuals titled The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition for iPhone, Microsoft Windows, and Xbox 360 exclusively via digital distribution.