Last updated on September 11th, 2023 at 01:58 pm
Tiger Claw is a freeware Commodore 64 game developed by LazyCow. This game was released as an entry in the C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2014.
The game is a mixture of platforming and close-range combat, with responsive jumping and initially challenging combat.
The graphics and sound are great, and the game is loads of fun.
The game is a modern update of the classic Commodore 64 game Bruce Lee, and it involves finding four stolen magic scrolls throughout its 24 screens.
The game is available on cartridge with amazing cover art and a raised logo on it.
Overall, the game seems to be well-received and enjoyable for fans of platforming and combat games.
This game seems to be inspired by the game Bruce Lee and is really fun. You are awesome Lazycow!
Four magic scrolls have been stolen by the three lords of evil. Help Tiger Claw on his path to retrieve the valuable scrolls before Fire Fist, Thunder Chain and Angry Tongue can reveal their full potential.
As Confucius said: “He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”
More about “Tiger Claw” in the web:
- lemon64 thread: devlog and feedback
- RGCD 16k competition: RGCD page
- tumblr page: more graphics from Saulc12
- kickstarter page: Tiger Claw as an extra in “The story of the Commodore 64 in pixels”